Monday, March 14, 2011

SEO - Choosing the Right Keyword Phrases

Last updated:12/17/2012

It's important to choose the right keyword phrases to target in the search engines. Optimizing your website for the wrong keyword phrases could waste valuable time and show little or no results.

Don't target keyword phrases that return millions of results. There is just too much competition for these phrases.

Start by optimizing your website for your name and broker company name. These keyword phrases are more than likely easier to target in the search engines and will be used by your network of family and friends to find your website.

Create Long-Tail Keyword Phrases
With the competition for search engine rankings, it is better to target long-tail keyword phrases than short-tail ones. The image below explains.


When creating long-tail phrases, there are two factors that come into play: monthly searches performed and results returned

Sample Phrases as of 3/14/11
Keyword PhraseSearches / MonthResults
real estate16,600,0001,240,000,000
texas real estate246,00078,300,000
san antonio real estate27,10017,200,000
san antonio homes for sale27,1002,720,000
san antonio condos for sale1,600785,000
condominiums san antonio9,900522,000
condominiums in san antonio tx2,400173,000
san antonio condos for sale1,600640,000

As you can see above, optimizing your web page for "condominiums in san antonio tx" would be a good decision as there is decent search volume and not as much competition.

To find the number of searches a month and keyword variations, you can use Google's Keyword Suggestion Tool. This tool shows you roughly how many searches were performed last month for your keyword phrase. It also provides variations of the keyword phrase.